Hi! My name is Deborah. Some call be Deb, others call me Dezi. My fiance calls me Dizzy. I’ve adopted many names over my life.

Part of the reason for this is because I love to express myself. I love finding new and interesting ways to connect with people. Above all, I simply love art!

I got into drawing, painting & crafts when I was a child. I was one of those kids who was always doodling something on any piece of paper I could get my hands on. It wasn’t long before I started making comics of my best friend and I inbetween classes in high school.

Soon my art began to evolve and my interests expanded into more marketable aspects of art. I say marketable because my style of art soon found its way into design, tattoos, logos, business cards, web sites and more.

Many have told me that I should invest in my art and become self-employed. It would be a great way to have a job in something that I love. One day, I may pursue that dream. But until then, I will continue to pursue my hobby of creating artistic pieces of various caliber.

Please take a look at my site and the wide spectrum of styles that are contained within. If you are an individual that would like to commission a piece, please feel free to reach out to me.

See ya around!
